Sravaka and Pratyekabuddhas Path Vehicles
Sravaka Path Vehicles
The first teaching ever given by the Buddha was to five student monks in a deer park. The Buddha spoke of the Four Noble Truths he had discovered while struggling for enlightenment, these are the central teachings of Buddhism. It was the Buddha's first awareness that life brings with it illness, age, misery and death that lead him to search for a deeper understanding of how we live, and ways to end suffering.
Dukkha, "incapable of satisfying," painful. Life in this "mundane world," with its craving and clinging to impermanent states and things, is dukkha, unsatisfactory and painful
Samudaya, the origination or arising of dukkha. Dukkha, and repeated life in this world, arises with taṇhā, "thirst," craving for and clinging to these impermanent states and things. This craving and clinging produceskarma which leads to renewed becoming, keeping us trapped in rebirth and renewed dissatisfaction;
Niroda, the cessation of dukkha. By stopping this craving and clinging nirvana is attained,no more karma is produced, and rebirth and dissatisfaction will no longer arise again;
Magga, the path to the cessation of, or liberation from dukkha. By following the Noble Eightfold Path, restraining oneself, cultivating discipline, and practicing mindfulness and meditation, craving and clinging will be stopped, and rebirth and dissatisfaction are ended.
Pratyekabuddha Path Vehicle:
Twelve Nidānas --Law of Dependent Origination----The Twelve Links of Interdependent Origination
The following description would provide some further insight into this concept/phenomenon...
1. Ignorance
(Pali: Avijjā)
2. Mental formations/volitions
(Pali: Saṅkhāra Sanskrit: Saṃskāra)
3. Status consciousness
(Pali: Viññāṇa)
4. "Name" and "Form"
(Pali: Nāmarūpa)
5. The six senses
(Pali: Saḷāyatana)
6. Contact
(Pali: Phassa)
7. Feelings
(Pali: Vedanā)
8. Cravings/longings/desires
(Pali: Taṇhā)
9. Clinging to
(Pali: Upādāna)
10. Generation of factors for rebirth
(Pali: Bhava)
11. Birth
(Pali: Jāti)
12. All the sufferings
(Pali: Jarāmaraṇa)